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Aerial View of Barren Land

Power up your clarity workshop

Reignite your purpose, step into your power to reach your next level.

Join me for a personalized workshop of 4 one-on-one Zoom coaching sessions.


Discover how valuable your core values are, and learn how they can support your day-to-day life during difficult times and beyond.


Activate the power of clarity â€‹


Clarifying your values will allow you to: 

  • Reconnect with your vision

  • Reignite your purpose  

  • Gain time and confidence from knowing exactly what fits your life and what doesn't 

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session 1: Discovery

  • Why are values important?

  • How do they work for me?

session 3: practical impact

  • Top 3 Desert Island Values

  • Values in everyday decision-making

session 2: values deep dive

  • Visualizing your values

  • Anchoring values with embodiment

session 4: Integration

  • Living authentically using your values as a daily framework

Four 60-minute sessions of 1:1 coaching

Space is limited

Today is the perfect day to reignite your purpose

Let's connect for a 15-minute consultation.

"With clarity on my core values, I am better able to embrace my choices and not second guess myself. 


I’ve increased my self-acceptance and my power, using the tools that I now have.  I’m happier with who I am."

- Susan W., Attorney  

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