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Susan Ordway
The seasons of connection: are you in or out of sync with others?
I am enjoying a beautiful springtime visit in Maine, despite my body's violent rejection of the green wave of airborne pollen. The state...
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Susan Ordway
How to Hear What People Are Not Telling You
Have you ever had a conversation with someone and got the feeling they're not telling you everything that's on their mind? Don't worry,...
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Susan Ordway
Are You Prioritizing Play?
How much fun is playtime as an adult? Clearly, life is not just about fun and games, but playtime is valuable for your health and...
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Susan Ordway
Are you opening the door to your goals? Or closing it?
When my mother described someone who had a hard time thinking beyond the present moment, she said, “they can’t see beyond the tip of...
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Susan Ordway
Breathe, Accept, and Step Your Way Through Transitions
Transitions can be hard, especially when they’re foisted on you, against your choice. Job changes, injuries, and the ultimate, aging I’m...
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Susan Ordway
Pitfalls of People Pleasing
What is your default setting: pleasing yourself or pleasing others? Being a people pleaser can put you on a path to frustration, fear of...
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Susan Ordway
Are You Ready?
When Halloween arrives, the realization that the end of the year is near hits me like a snap of a wet towel. As soon as the Walgreens...
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Susan Ordway
Seize the Moment
It may not feel like it, but one of the best times to step forward into change is during chaos. Why is that? (I’m speaking of relative...
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Susan Ordway
What Brings You Joy?
This isn’t a frivolous question about momentary thrills. Knowing what brings you joy can be one of the keys to reaching your goals. I’m...
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Susan Ordway
Pre-flight Planning for Your Life
Is it time for you to spread your wings and fly? Where are you headed? Take a good look inside and get your bearings before you take...
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Susan Ordway
You're the Expert of You
When it comes to knowing yourself and what’s best for you, you’re the expert. Trust yourself and keep listening to your inner voice, even...
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Susan Ordway
Keeping an Eye on Your Authentic Goals as You Make Decisions
It pays to be mindful and live fully in the present moment, but it doesn’t pay to box yourself in with your decisions, taking you off...
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Susan Ordway
Marking time, one moment at a time
As we launch the new, it’s hard to put a finger on time that has seemed to change shape and speed on a whim during 2020. Is time a gas,...
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